Illuminated Experience: SSS [4 Monthly Payments]
Illuminated Experience: SSS [4 Monthly Payments]
$133.00 every month for 4 months
Soulful Spirituality Course
Week 1
incarnation intentions
unpacking your current beliefs
what is a higher power
finding the name for you
connecting to your higher power
Week 2
Your body is magic
The chakras
Pain is a teacher
Week 3
11 Universal Laws
Week 4
Moon & Your Cycle
Week 5
Money & Spirituality
Week 6
Spiritual Tools & How to Use
Week 7
Manifesting and Co-creating workshop
Week 8
Masculine and Feminine Energies
Week 9
Angel Numbers
Week 10
Spiritual Nourishment
Bonus Videos: EFT, Asking for Signs, Co-creating Actions