I am at home in my body and at peace with my spirit
The theme around the last few months has been to foster a relationship with your heart and take time to listen. Have you been listening? This Month’s theme is to quiet the mind by stepping into a true meditation practice. Meditation will deepen your presence, lower your stress and increase your ability to remain centered through all the noise and chaos of each day.
How do you feel about meditation? Do you feel resistance to doing it? Why? Journal on what comes up.
How can you create stillness each day? When would you like to meditate? Where? Take some time and set up a space if that feels good or exciting for you.
Schedule in your meditation practice for this month. Write it in your calendar or put it in your phone.
Live Calls
Tribe Call: Tuesday, December 22nd at 7:30CST
Parenting with Kathy M: TBD
Special Event: Cacao Ceremony Monday, December 14th at 7:30cst
Energy Work
Crystal: Clear Quartz
Meaning- used to amplify energy healing
Activity: Hold while meditating
Chakra: Crown Chakra
Located: This is located 2/3 inches above your heard
Activity: Activate this chakra by connecting to your higher power (God/Source/Universe/Spirits/Angels/Buddha/Allaha)
Listen to this music while focusing on your breathing. If thoughts appear, return to focusing on your breathing or chant “so hum” while breathing.
When I make time for stillness, my heart speaks
Anti-Racsit Work
Learning: Read books with different colored holiday characters
Action: Look for holiday characters of different colors and backgrounds
The holidays can sometimes be a time of stress, use “card decks” from the Jon Gottman app to spice up your conversation :)