Integration & Expansion
Stress, Sleep & Toxins
Journal Questions
How do you feel your stress is? What is the most stressful? Is it something you can modify/change/delegate?
Which oxytocin activities speak to you? How can you weave them into stressful moments?
How is your sleep? What are you averaging?
What bedtime rituals or routines are you open to implementing to support your sleep? What will they look like for you?
How do you feel your toxic load is?
Where can you limit or remove a toxin from your life/space/home?
Household cleaners
Air Fresheners/Candles/Fragrances
Body Care
What is one area you would like to remove a toxin and what could you replace it with?
Emotional Eating
Journal Questions:
Do you feel like you emotionally eat?
When do you feel like emotionally eating is getting in the way of your goals?
What are some ways you could shift your actions when it comes to emotional eating?
Stop Mom Guilt
Let’s dive into MOM GUILT today. Mom guilt is a very real feeling and challenge for most of us. However, it is our choice to listen to it and allow it to overwhelm us. Most of us grew up with the notion that in order to be a “good mom” we have to put everyone in our family before ourselves. But I want to CHALLENGE that thinking because in my opinion it is WRONG!
When you put YOURSELF first, you are filling your cup up and when your cup is full, you feel good. When you feel good, you are able to show up and be a happier, healthier and more vibrant mom to everyone else around you.
So, what if you start to shift your thinking and instead of allowing mom guilt to tell you to not do the activities that YOU need to feel good, you acknowledged it but choose to see things differently? This is where your mindset is going to be KEY. Try one of these phrases to support you when your brain tries to talk you out of taking care of yourself.
Taking care of myself is taking care of others
It is safe to make myself a priority
When I feel good, I spread that goodness to my family
I am worthy of doing things that help me feel my best
Journal Questions:
What habits make me feel good every day?
What actions help me be a better woman, wife/partner, mom, friend?
Where can I consistently do these actions in my day?
What might prevent me from doing these actions or habits?
What are my non-negotiables right now in this season of life?
Remember that you are worthy of feeling good and being a priority.