Understanding Your Inner World Part 2
Body Love & Acceptance Training Video
Journal Questions:
What are recurring thoughts that you think about your body? Are they positive or negative?
What is are some uplifting and kind thoughts you can say to yourself this week? Use the affirmation journal for support if you can’t think of an affirmation on your own.
Nervous System Regulation Tools
Journal Questions:
Create space to do one or more of these each day!
Core Wounds
Journal Questions
What core wounds came up for you?
What memories, events, situations do you need to work towards healing?
Go through and ho’monopono any event, situation, or person that affected you. Releasing the past and things that shaped us, helps us move forward lighter, brighter and happier.
EFT Tapping to Release Stuck Emotions
The body keeps score. In order to heal the body and release the trauma and wounds, sometimes we need additional tools to let go of those emotions and feelings. EFT Tapping is a great tool to release any residual emotions from the core wound exercise or a great way to help curb cravings, release physical pain or process feelings.
Movement is Medicine
Journal Questions:
How do you think about movement?
What are your favorite ways to move your body? Make a list!
What is your preferred time to move your body? Try to schedule it during that time.
Judgement is your mirror
Journal Questions:
How do I judge myself? What needs to be healed?
How do I judge others? What are they reflecting back at me that I want or need to heal?