Happy Day Thirteen! Hooray for showing up for you! Today we are learning how to shift our thinking when it comes to our families and their demands.

One of the biggest challenges moms face, is time for themselves to do things that fill their cup up. Below are my top tips to getting time for you WHILE being a crazy busy mom.

  1. Dedicate time for yourself. This one takes planning and intention. When is a time of day that you can have some time? Early morning? Evening? Middle of the day when they nap?

  2. What can they do? One of the biggest things that has helped me take care of myself while being home with four kids is that I have things that they can do. For example, my youngest uses an extra workout mat and “moves” next to me while I move. If I am journaling, my kids can get their journals and write alongside me. The question is to ask- how can you include them in a way that makes them feel connected to you but also gives you the space and time you need to do what you need to do. My mile walk has also been a family affair. We commonly walk together as a family after dinner in order for me to get it in!

  3. Tell the plan. Many times I give my kids a rundown of what is going to happen, what I expect and what they can do. This gives them structure for what is about to happen.

  4. Use your resources! I am not above using things I know my kids love to keep them entertained while I care for myself. In the mornings I have the TV on and the older ones usually watch a show while I move in the basement or I save a few special toys or activities that they can only use while I am doing what I need to do.

  5. Breathe and trust. Not every day is going to go well or in the way you hope it does. For me, it has gotten easier the longer I have done it because my kids have gotten used to this routine. Even when it feels like it isn’t working, keep going.